Artem Burykin | full-stack developer
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Hello, I'm Artem Burykin.
A full-stack developer.

I specialize in creating web and mobile applications for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises.

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My CV.

About me

I am a software engineer, enthusiast, and an IT craftsman with more than 15 years of experience.

Most of the time, I work on web-based business projects. My focus is always on creating flexible, scalable architectures for projects and aligning the development process with the needs of the business. I usually strive to write code in the most efficient way possible to achieve the business goals.


Bauman Moscow State Technical University (2007-2013).

My tech stack

  • JavaScript (TypeScript) for both the frontend and the backend.
    • Angular (used extensively more than 8 years)
    • React with more than 5 years of experience
    • Express.js (5 years of experience)
  • PHP
    • Symfony (my primary framework, 9 years of experience)
    • WordPress (14 years of experience)
  • Clojure (6 years of experience). Mainly small applications, microservices, workers.
  • Flutter (4 years of experience)

My work experience

2009-2011: Freelance

  • Developed websites using Joomla and WordPress.
  • Built custom software solutions (e.g., mailing, time planning) with C++ (Qt).

2011-2012: Web Designer & System Administrator (Tourism Agency)

  • Automated client management with a custom information system (C++/Qt).
  • Designed and developed the agency’s website using Joomla.

2012-2017: Co-Founder & Full-Stack Developer (AVE Systems)

  • Delivered diverse projects across multiple tech stacks to address business needs.
  • Played a key role in solving complex business challenges.

2017-Present: CTO (AVE Systems)

  • Streamlined business processes and led project development.
  • Implemented TDD, code reviews, CI/CD pipelines, and Scrum methodologies company-wide.

Facts about my expertise

  • To deliver a seamless user experience, I developed an authentication server and implemented Single Sign-On (SSO) across multiple systems.
  • I planned and led the decomposition of a system into microservices to enhance its scalability and agility.
  • I implemented an integration platform to connect multiple systems, significantly reducing the company's budget expenditures.
  • I prioritize writing tests with TDD (Test driven development), embrace DDD (Domain Driven Design), and aim for simplicity and minimalism in my work. By approaching problems from multiple perspectives, I strive to develop more efficient solutions.
  • I am committed to continuous professional growth, constantly exploring new approaches and methodologies to enhance my skills as a developer.

Non-work related facts

Like every human being, I also have hobbies :) I enjoy dancing Argentine tango, learning foreign languages, and contemplating the beauty of nature.

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